
My Self-Care Shower Ritual For Relaxation & Healing

Unknowingly, sometimes, I believe we are too mean to ourselves. We harbor feelings of doubt, shame, and guilt and recently my personal war has been not feeling good enough. The question now becomes how do I manage those feelings and soothe my mind? The answer, self-care.

Self-care is one of the hottest wellness trends right now but what does it really mean? For me, it’s about reminding yourself that everything is going to be ok. Taking time to be gentle and to slow down. A time to unfold. A time to make you your highest priority, without interruption, judgment, and expectation. There is something to be said for scheduled self-care dates but I think one of the easiest ways to practice self-care is to add extra time and be more intentional with activities that are already part of your daily routine. Like taking a shower, for example. You already do this so why not make taking a shower a healing experience as well?

One of my favorite self-care rituals is taking a loving cleansing shower. This might sound a bit odd but follow me on this. For many of us, the first thing we want to do after a long day of building our empire is take a nice hot shower. Personally, I like to use this time not only for a refresher but also a destresser. A time to show myself extra love and extra care. This time is especially important when the world and/or you have beaten yourself up. The external challenges we face daily are one thing but the mental wars we fight are a whole other situation. Adding a little extra time and care to your shower can be a great way to recover and tend your wounds from that mental war.

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Here are a few things I do to transform my shower time from a regular scrub down to an indulgent act of love.

1. Set the mood

Lighting a couple of candles and playing your favorite sensual playlist goes a long way. Do all the sexy things you would for a late night date but this show is just for you.

2. Add a little essential oil

As the shower is steaming up, add a few drops of essential oil to the tub. The scented steam from the hot water will instantly transform the bathroom into your own luxury spa. Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool when combating stress. Choose a scent that you love but also gives the effect you need. Personally I love eucalyptus and lavender.

3. Offer yourself the best

This is not the time for your bright green cheap soap bar or chemical-filled over-scented body wash. Treat yourself to clean natural luxurious products. Self-care is also about being intentional with what you put on and in your body, soap included. For added body buffing, consider adding an exfoliating step once a week.

4. Positive self talk & cleanse

Now that you have the mood set and you are feeling calmer already, it’s time to cleanse away the day. This is the most important part of the entire shower ritual. I’ve addressed this a few times before, but positive self-talk is a game changer. The things we say to ourselves can be really harsh and downright hateful. Instead of replaying the events of the day and reliving every mistake, failure, and heartbreak, use this time to let it all go. As you are washing your body focus on:


Forgiveness is a gift. We often talk about forgiving other people and how it is more for your peace of mind than it is theirs, but how often do we talk about forgiving ourselves? Not only for the visible mistakes but also for the quiet moments of despair.

Lather up your body and mentally speak forgiveness to yourself. Forgive yourself for what you didn’t know. Forgive yourself for not being compassionate when you needed it most. Forgive yourself for not allowing your best self to shine through a difficult situation. Forgive yourself for not speaking up, standing out or walking away when you should have. Forgive yourself for the comparisons, the self-deprecating jokes that actually hurt and the mean girl comments that you would not even tell your worst enemy.


As the warm water washes off the suds, the dead skin, and the day’s grime, release every idea, situation, and relationship that does not serve you. Imagine all that stress and negativity moving from your body down the drain and away from your life. Say it out loud, “I release everything that does not serve me and choose a life filled with purpose, love, and joy.”

5. Moisturize

This might be my favorite step in the entire ritual. Now that you are clean, relaxed and calm, it’s time to sweet talk and rub yourself down, honey. As you moisturize with your favorite oil, lotion, or body butter from your sister friend who whips up miracles in her kitchen, affirm everything that you are and intend to be. Take your time and slowly soothe each body part and appreciate the beauty that you are spiritually, mentally, intellectually and most definitely physically. Tell your body why you love it and thank it for carrying you on this journey.

After doing this I promise you you will feel so calm and loved. This shower ritual is something I developed over the past few months and I love it. Feel free to take it and make it your own. In the comment section below, let me know what you think and how you customized your shower ritual!

My Self-Care Shower Ritual For Relaxation & Healing

Did You Breathe Today?

from the archives

Finding the delicate balance between embracing a more relaxed lifestyle, and engaging my skills to achieve my creative and financial goals has been at the top of my mind lately. Even though I am a little over a month into this journey, the pressure of finding discipline is ever present and real. Just because I am on the road living a nomadic life doesn’t mean I don’t have responsibilities. It doesn’t mean I don’t have debt, and it surely doesn’t mean I don’t need to earn an income. But I've come to realize that my “impending doom” is all in my head. I’ve already landed my first freelance contract and, all things considered, I am doing just fine.

Being a stranger everywhere I go limits the amount of outside pressure I feel, the need to compare myself to anyone, and the urge to conform to westernized societal norms. The fear of falling behind doesn’t exist in some ways, but definitely exists in a couple of other ways. Not many people I know are doing what I am doing, so as far as my circle goes, I am in a league of my own. And because of this, I am quickly realizing that finding and TRUSTING my own pace is paramount. I set the tone for each day, leaving me to figure out how to be disciplined but fluid. How to work hard but to find joy in the work. How to approach creating content as a priority but also as therapy. How to be where I am, as I am. Though these things were all important in my old life, disappointment seems heavier now that I am the only person I report to. I gave up everything I know to travel the world and reunite with my higher self while creating soul moving content and manifesting life changing experiences. The thought of not accomplishing any of that because I couldn’t find the discipline is heartbreaking.

In the same breath, how is it possible to feel so present, to feel mesmerized by the seconds in a minute? Everything slows down. Life is more vivid, and more pleasurable. Despite fleeting moments of overthinking, I have not been so present and so content in a long time. Downtown Los Angeles feels like a lifetime ago. This doesn’t feel like a new chapter, but more like a highly anticipated sequel that took so long to create that we need a refresher to remember all the parts that lead us here. There are faces and memories I keep close to my heart but so much of it is a blur. Cleansed like God’s breath after a Nicaraguan rainy day, I am made new in every moment.

A few nights ago while drinking wine and watching the most amazing sunset over Playa Maderas with fellow travelers, the conversation turned to the reasons for the difference between this version of ourselves and the way we are when we are back home. I didn’t add anything to the conversation, but as I listened to others share, this question dug into me. I honestly didn’t have anything to say at the time, but the longer I sat with the question, the more some things came to mind. I know the obvious answer is because in a new place you can be who you are without fear of reprisal from the people who “know” you. But could it be something else? Could it be that we used other people’s perception of us as an excuse not to be who we really are? Did we choose to sit back and become a pool of shallow water, reflecting much and contributing little? Did we suppress our nine year old selves in order to belong?

As a solo traveler, there is little need to belong because I always stick out. The way I act, dress, speak, eat - it's all different. And as a traveler locals accept me as such; different. No one is expecting me to fully conform to their cultural and societal norms and in a few days/weeks I will be gone. As long as I respect traditions and etiquette, I’m good money. Comforting, right? And in terms of other travelers, it’s like a revolving door of people. I am not saying I don’t crave connections or the connections are superficial. I just feel like the connections I am making are coming from a more raw and natural place. In the past few weeks I’ve had some of the realest, deepest conversations with people I will probably never see again and gone on a random adventure with folks that my path would have never crossed otherwise. I guess what I am saying is that we are different while traveling because we are truly present with each interaction. We are open.

I can safely say, I have always been a bit of an odd ball. A risk taker, if you will. But even I have felt the need to do the “right” things. But I also know that you (unlike me) don’t have to be dragged by life or completely get off your path to realize that you must be who you truly are unapologetically. Like a good friend likes to remind me, “Don’t forget to breathe.” When the overthinking starts, I breathe. When the debt back home comes knocking on my door, I breathe. When I taste fear crawling back up my throat, I breathe. I close my eyes and breathe, then I open them and remember that I am on the trip of a lifetime, creating my truth in each moment. My only job is to be present and manifest.

“A woman must be careful to not allow over-responsibility (or over-respectability) to steal her necessary creative rests, riffs, and raptures. She simply must put her foot down and say no to half of what she believes she "should" be doing. Art is not meant to be created in stolen moments only.”

-Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

Did you breathe today?

Cover Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

The Scariest Day of My Life

from the archives


I've always been on the go, working and striving for better. Back in October (2016), I was forced to stop. I wanted to be hard-headed and worry, knowing damn well that's not where my focus should be. I got many signs from the universe that I should relax and take care of myself. But, like the old folks say, "If you don't hear, you must feel." Even though I am smiling in this photo, this was one of the scariest experiences of my life.

After passing out on the train, I was rushed to the ER, admitted to hospital, and hooked up to machines. I underwent endless tests and saw multiple doctors, including a later visit to a specialist, only to be told that I have some minor condition that is probably agitated by stress. My first reaction - "Ummm what?! Stress?" That was the biggest wake up call of my life. If I don't take better care of myself and learn how to relax, I can end up back at the hospital. Through that trying time I have learned a few lessons that I want to share with you:

  1. Your health is more important than your worry. Even though we may think we are healthy or fit, a stressed out mind can and will eat away at your physical health. 

  2. Never underestimate the power of kindness, generosity, and humanity in others. When you are going through your mess, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking no one cares. But given the chance, people always show the depths of care that we can have for one another. Strangers on the train kept me from seriously injuring myself when I passed out. I will never forget the woman who caught me on my way down, the young man who picked me up and carried me off the train, and the amazing paramedics, nurses, and doctors that took such good care of me. Special shout out to the random firefighters who poked their heads into my room to check in on me and everyone on the train that wished me well as I was being carried off (yes, it was a dramatic scene lol). Because of the kindness of a close friend, I didn't spend the night or the next few days alone. She was my rock. Through the generosity of another beautiful friend, I was able to go home to Jamaica and get the rest and restoration I needed.

  3. Little things can be life changing. We create the world we live in, for others and for ourselves. Your actions have far greater consequences than you can ever imagine. It is important to take accountability for who you are! Self-care starts with you. Even if it's 5 minutes a day, take some time out to just love on you. 

  4. Choosing to put me first might mean leaving some people behind. Sometimes self-care means being selfish. Selfish with your time, with your gifts, with your love, with your energy. I've found joy in saying, "NO, I'm not going out tonight because I need rest." or "NO, I don't want to hang out with you because I don't think you will add to my life." Ok, maybe I won't say all that but I will say NO and feel perfectly happy about it. 

  5. Since you are saying NO to so many things make sure you are replacing them with a ton of YES for you. YES to that manicure (or if you've got a little more room in the budget then YES to that massage). YES to the bubble bath with candles and sexy music. YES to sleeping in once in a while. YES to that sexy bikini that hugs your body just right. You get the idea. Take damn good care of you! 

In keeping with #5, I have said YES to Self-Care Sundays. Sundays are my days to completely relax and recharge. I hope that in sharing my story and continually sharing how I take care of myself I will inspire you to love on yourself. Don't let a trip to the hospital be your wake up call. This is it.

For my Self-Care Tips check out this video.